Grace and Blaze Yoga

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My New Baby! Be Mindful BCN

Helo there,

Just wanted to introduce you to a new passion of mine. Inspired by the wonderful city Barcelona  and the complete lifestyle overhaul that I've had since I moved here, I've decided to try and be more mindful in my day-to-day life. I'm documenting my progress on this blog but also on the following social media channels. Follow me? @BeMindfulBCN: Twitter | Instagram | Faceboook


The aim of #BeMindfulBCN is to help you be a bit more mindful in your daily life, in the most simple, accessible and practical ways. 1 minute mindful lifehacks for busy people. It’s for folk that live in Barcelona but also for people who are inspired by a BCN lifestyle.


I’m Jo, a mum and yoga teacher and I’m just getting settled into life in a new city, Barcelona. I’m certainly no mindfulness expert. Probably just like you, I lead a B U S Y life. I wear lots of hats. I know just how hard even the idea of incorporating “mindfulness” into your life can be. Another thing to add to the endless to do list. Just the very sound of the word mindful can conjure up ideas of having to sit, legs crossed while you meditate in a quiet space (with mala beads and incense) trying to block out any thoughts that might enter your head. If your life is anything like mine (kids never giving you a moments peace!/ busy hectic work and play lifestyle) that ain’t ever going to happen. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

As a yoga teacher who practices daily so I suppose I have a certain degree of mindfulness in my life. I’m certainly aware of my body and energies when I practice. But does that always carry through into my hectic daily life? Absolutely not. I have the challenge of being mindful just like everybody else.


When I first moved to Barcelona from London I was honestly very overwhelmed. New language(s), new culture, tons of bureaucracy to wade through. I was wading through treacle most of the time (often in my head) and suffering.

But all the details and the sensory overload I was experiencing from my new surroundings — “wow look at that street, oh that balcony is gorgeous, those churros smell great”- helped. This is the essence of mindfulness, being present with all of our senses and our being in the moment. It was what was carried me through the tough times of settling into a new city.


We’ve probably all read about how a mediterranean diet (olive oil, fish, fresh fruit and wine!) leads to a long and healthy life but in my mind that’s just one piece in the puzzle. I believe that the lifestyle here in Barcelona plays just as an important role. Long sit down lunches even during the week, slower pace of life, the normality of a month off work in August, family days on a Sunday with no shops open, the beaches, the mountains all contribute to a happier and more mindful way of life. All this was a real eye opener for me and a world away from the life I had led previously in London. I’d worked in a pressured job with long hours, eating lunch at my desk, rushing to pick up my daughter from nursery and going to the shops every weekend.

So my life has had a complete overhaul and I want to share what’s inspiring about the BCN lifestyle and why it allows me to live a more mindful life. I hope that it might inspire you, wherever you live. I think everyone deserves a bit more mindfulness in our lives. An enjoyment of life as it is right now. An awareness of what we have right in front of us even if we’re juggling busy lives with stressful jobs or sat on a packed commuter train. (I’ve been there). That is where mindfulness comes in.

BeMindfulBCN is about sharing some simple #1minmindfulnesssuggestions for making you more mindful in a small way each day. And that just means being aware of what’s going on right there, right now, just for a moment. It doesn’t have to be some big worthy, time consuming event. Small changes. Baby steps, over time can add up to big things.


I’d also love to hear from you too how you use mindfulness in your life. Please feel free to share with me how you’re being mindful by tweeting, posting on Facebook, or sharing an image on Instagram and include the hashtag #BeMindfulBCN or @mention me in the posts and I’ll share them too!

I’m hoping you’ll join me and see the difference #1minmindfulness can make.

Jo x

You can follow @BeMindfulBCN: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook