Grace and Blaze Yoga

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Powering Back Up: A Digital Detox Review

Power back on. Two days after switching off my phone for a Digital Detox over Christmas and Boxing Day and my phone is now out of the drawer and back in my hand. So how did I find it?

Good. Very good. It was actually way easier than I expected it to be. A big part of that is probably down to the fact that it was Christmas and there was so much going on and the normal routine is broken. But the twitches to pick up my phone and check something? After a couple of hours of going cold turkey, they really weren't there.

Well, maybe there was one moment, in the evening when the kids were watching some telly, a time when I would normally be online, that I felt an urge to pull out my phone and start scrolling. But that it was it. I also have to admit it helped to have my husband around with his phone taking snaps. I might have struggled more without any photos taken to capture both of these special days. But overall, I honestly didn't find it too hard, which is encouraging.

So what were the benefits?

My overall feeling is that I found it so much easier to really switch off. I relaxed in a way I haven't for ages. I slept well, I rested my body and I had a completely fab time! And most importantly for me, my kids enjoyed it so much too. And I got to see that, really see that, and concentrate on the things that really mattered. 

Christmas is all about recharging and I was surrounded by help and support from family and a wonderful mother-in-law who cooks and takes care of us. But it was more than that. My brain didn't feel so wired. I wasn't so distracted. My mind wasn't whizzing with a million different thoughts. I wasn't overwhelmed (sometimes in a positive way) by ideas and posts and things I should be doing. I was in the moment, enjoying the games and the food and the looks on my kids faces and I think that's going to stay with me as memories, really strong ones, for a long, long time.

Social media is marvellous. I do honestly believe that. But it's not just about the posting, it's the constant checking back (how many likes do I have?), it's the comparing. Oh look that's what they're doing or saying. And that can be addictive. 

Now, I'm not going to stop using social media, After all it's just about communicating and it's something I use daily for work and I also enjoy. But it was really healthy for me, my mind, my family to take a step back and switch off my phone.  It's something I will definitely try to do again.

So much so, that I've now got a new idea for 2017! I've decided to implement (or try to) a daily curfew on my phone. A 9pm - 9am switch off. What do you think? Worth a try?

Hope you had a lovely Christmas too,

Jo x