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Wellness Words from an Acupuncturist

I've only had acupuncture once, when I was pregnant with my second child and ready to get the birthing process started. Even though it didn't bring on labour, I was amazed by the depth of feelings this process brought up and the state of relaxation I was in after it. So, for my next post in my 'Wellness Words" series, I've turned to Uby Muñoz, a wonderful acupuncturist based here in Barcelona, to find out more. Uby specializes in natural fertility and women's health and also runs the wonderful 'Barcelona Well Woman Center', more on that to follow...

1. Hello. firstly could you introduce yourself...

My name is Uby Muñoz, I am 67 years old, I have been practising Chinese medicine for more than 25 years now. I studied acupuncture in England where I lived happily for 30 years, but when my daughter and her husband decided to move to Barcelona we followed them. I am very grateful that we did because I have fulfil my dream of having a beautiful wellness center with many different therapists all working together as a team to help people reach optimum health - “The Barcelona Well Woman Center

2. Tell me a little bit about your role as an acupuncturist...

What I like most about Chinese medicine is that it is based in observation of the natural cycle of life and of common sense.  I love to be able to help people to feel better and acupuncture has helped me to do that.  The satisfaction that I receive when clients come back saying that they feel so much better after the treatment is the best gift ever.   

I believe that acupuncture is effective because it aims to treat both the symptoms and the causes underneath. In this way it will look at the cause of the headache rather than just suppress the symptoms.   Acupuncture can also provide treatment without the side effects that many drugs can induce and as it is a medicine that works with energy it can treat many conditions because it aims at balancing the energy.  When the energy is balanced everything in our systems works well and when it is not, it gets blocked provoking all sorts of ailments that if are not treated will escalate to bigger problems.

3. Who would benefit from acupuncture? 

Acupuncture works very well with all sorts of common problems like joint pains, headaches, menstrual problems, anxiety and depression, allergies, etc.

I also work with couples providing natural fertility enhancement through acupuncture, nutrition, massage and lifestyle.   The eastern way of approaching fertility is that to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy, you must have a free flow of Qi and blood throughout the body. An adequate supply of blood is required by a woman’s body to sustain a normal menstrual cycle, to successfully implant an embryo within the uterine lining, and to support a growing foetus and a healthy pregnancy. Through acupuncture we can raise your fertility potential by affecting the quality, quantity, balance, and flow of Qi and blood.  

4. Can you tell me a little bit more about The Well Woman Centre? 

The Barcelona Well Woman Center was set up in 2009 with the aim to provide women with an extensive range of services. I felt that there was a desperate need in Barcelona for an integrated health option for today’s woman combining both medical and complementary care.  We no longer specialise in just women and are now open to serve everyone that needs us.

5. For a busy mum who needs a bit of time for herself what sort of self-care/ treatments can she find at The Well Woman?

We are dedicated to helping women achieve optimum health at every life stage. We offer: Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nutrition, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Massage, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, and Counselling. We also offer studio classes such as Yoga, including pregnancy and postnatal yoga, restorative yoga, ashtanga and vinyasa, Pilates and Qi-Gong as well as workshops in Mindfulness, Natural Fertility, Menopause and breastfeeding support, all of which are offered in multiple languages including Spanish, English and French.


6. Anything else you would like to add about The Well Woman? 

Our philosophy is rooted in ancient eastern knowledge (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and adapted for a modern western world, to gently and naturally guide you back into balance. We believe in an integrated East/West medical approach: not only do we want to know how your western treatments are going, we want to make sure that our treatment plans support and facilitate the healthcare decisions you are making with other providers. 

Our therapists work loosely together within the clinic team, and with external healthcare providers, to ensure that you are receiving the best treatment for your individual needs and optimum health.  

This integrated approach means you don’t have to constantly juggle methodologies, educating yourself in two (or more) medical systems so that you can get what you need out of each kind of practitioner. We help you understand how our care will work in and around your western care, so that you can put these different puzzle pieces together for yourself to best effect.

7. Finally, do you think Barcelona is a mindful place to live? and if so why? 

I love living in Barcelona, I think the lifestyle of the city and the fact that it has the sea and the mountains at easy reach helps to be more aware of nature and nature is what keeps us more balanced.

The Well Woman Center is situated on Calle Casp 80, 1-3, close to Tetuan Metro. For more information, including their services, classes and blog visit