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Go Wild! 4 Ways Women Can Rewild Themselves for a More Fulfilling Life

Las Divinas Women’s Circle Rewilding in the Woods

Recently I ran a series of Women’s Circles, which I named ‘Rewild”. It was a word I was drawn to because I think more and more women, at least those I know, are discovering that they want to “Rewild” themselves. 

But what does Rewilding really mean?! 

Rewilding is a process that can help women restore themselves to their original nature.

There are so many ways that you can Rewild. Embracing the cycles of nature, reconnecting to your body, tapping into your intuition, and exploring ancestral wisdom are just some of them.

Let’s take a closer look at Rewilding, what it means, and how you can reconnect to your true self. 

What is rewilding?

The dictionary definition of Rewilding is:

  “For something to be restored to it’s natural or uncultivated state”

Modern-day society is filled with information, technology, and a huge amount of choices. We can often find ourselves disconnected from the natural world and sometimes from our true selves. 

Unsurprisingly, this can lead to us feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or having a lack of direction.  

But when you’re connected to your true self, you feel aligned and alive. 

Keep reading to learn how to Rewild yourself to live a more fulfilling life:

1. Rewild to Nature

A woman walks into a field of long wild grass while the sun is setting

A 2021 report by the UK Mental Health Foundation showed that people who are more in touch with nature are usually happier in life. They report that their ‌lives are more worthwhile.

Here are some suggestions for ways to Rewild ‌‌to Nature:

Idea 1: Connect with the outside world

  • Spend more time outdoors — even 10 minutes in a park at lunch time

  • Go on leisurely walks and simply observe nature's wonders

  • Walk with bare feet on the ground and connect with the earth

  • Mindfully feel the wind on your skin or the sun on your face

  • Garden or grow a plant and put your hands directly in the soil

Idea 2: Pay attention to the seasons

Start to bring more awareness to the distinct seasons in nature: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.  

Each season brings its own unique pace and energy. By honoring these shifts through rituals and celebrations, we can feel more connected to nature’s rhythms.

Try these ideas to become more attentive to the different seasons of the year:

A Yuletide Altar from my Winter Solstice Family Seasonal Circles that I host

  • Create an altar in your home that celebrates each season. Add candles, decorative items, and seasonal plants — and refresh when a new season arrives. For example, decorative eggs, daffodils, and lilies in Springtime. And evergreen plants such as holly or pinecones in winter.

  • Have a seasonal celebration with friends and family. Eat and drink foods that are in-season and locally grown. 

  • Recognize the changing light at different times of the year. For instance, acknowledge the longest night during the Winter Solstice — and celebrate the most hours of sunlight during the Summer Solstice. Witness the balance of light and dark during the Spring and Autumn Equinox. 

Idea 3: Harness the Power of the Moon

I have been drawn to Moon for as long as I can remember. I wasn’t even sure why. I just knew I had a connection to it. Learning about the different phases of the moon and its cycle has been a wonderful way for me to connect with nature but also myself and my own nature.

I have been lucky enough to be part of my dear friend Sam’s By The Light Moon Circle’s for many years now and feel more and more in tune with the feminine energy of the moon as a result. As part of my Rewilding series, Sam led one of one of the Circles and talked to us through our connections to all of the Cycles and Nature and specifically the Moon.

Samantha of By The Light Moon, sharing with the Rewild Women’s Circle, the Wisdom of the Cycles and how to harness the power of the Moon

She shared these words with us, to repeat when we look up at the Moon at Moonbathe:

“Tonight I greet you Moon, with wonder

Thank you for your Divine light

Your Goddess Energy

Your Sacred Cyclical Power

I open myself to your mysteries

And welcome your eternal wisdom

And so it is”

Interested in the Moon? Find a Moon Circle locally to you.

Yasmin Boland and Kirsty Gallagher have both written wonderful books on how to work with the moon. 

Discover the moon’s phases and how it connects us to our bodies and the female menstrual cycle. Just like the Moon, we wax and we wane in constant cycles.

It reminds us how we are all constantly changing every single day.

Reconnect with these ancestral ways and enjoy the moon’s beauty.

2. Rewild ‌Your Body: The Power of Unstructured Movement

When you Rewild your body, you’re simply connecting with your physical form.

Unstructured movement is a powerful tool for self-expression and self-discovery.

When you move freely and intuitively, rather than following a structured movement, you‌ listen to your body. Your body can then show you how it wants to move and what feels good. It also lets you know where you may feel tightness or discomfort.

Dancing at Agni Spirit Festival at Amara Valley

Some suggestions for Rewilding ‌the body are:

  • Ecstatic dance 

  • Self-massage and touch

  • Somatic practices 

  • Dance parties in your kitchen

By practicing unstructured movement, you can build a deeper understanding of your body’s unique needs. Over time, this can help you become more self-aware and reconnected to your true self. 

3. Rewild to Pleasure and Joy

Many of us have forgotten that pleasure is a natural birthright. 

Most children find joy in the simplest things. As we grow older, we forget to reconnect with our inner child and pay attention to life’s simple pleasures.

But joy and pleasure can directly impact our physical health in positive ways. 

When we engage in activities that bring us happiness, our body releases endorphins, often referred to as "feel-good" hormones. Studies prove that laughter can boost the immune system, decrease stress hormones — and even enhance heart health by improving blood flow and vessel function.

Try the following suggestions to bring more pleasure and joy into your life:

  • Remember the things that made you smile when you were young. 

  • Find activities that bring you pleasure, such as spending time in nature, reading a book, or doing creative activities. 

    • Try and be fully present in these activities and allow yourself to feel joy and pleasure without guilt or shame.

  • Connect with your creativity, experiment, and try new activities and hobbies. Don’t worry about getting it “right”. Just enjoy the process

  • Laugh more. Try a laughing yoga class or just smile at people you come in contact with.

Rewilding to pleasure and joy helps us remember our true essence. The state of unfiltered joy of being alive that we were born with — before societal conditioning and life showed us otherwise.

4) Rewild to your Intuition, Dreams, and Desires

Rewilding ‌your intuition, dreams, and desires means accessing your deepest wisdom. 

For this practice, it’s important to spend some time by yourself to get to know yourself better and discover what you truly want. 

For example, meditation is a powerful tool for quietening the mind and allowing your intuition to emerge. When you meditate, you create space for your thoughts and feelings to come up without judgment. This can help you understand parts of yourself you may have been disconnected from. 

Journaling is another helpful practice for connecting with your intuition. When you write down your thoughts and feelings, you can see them more clearly and identify core patterns. Allow your pen to move instinctively across your page and your subconscious thoughts will emerge.
Journalling can also help you make sense of your true goals and values.

Being more in touch with ourselves is an essential aspect of personal development and well-being. It provides greater self-awareness, helps us manage our emotions, and develop deeper relationships.

Wrap Up

With our busy lives, so many of us are looking for ways to reconnect with ourselves, our true nature, and the natural world around us.

The concept of Rewilding offers a wide variety of practices and experiences, all of which can support you, in easy, simple ways to find out who you really are. Meaning that ultimately you can live a more fulfilling and authentic life. 

I hope today’s suggestions have inspired you to Rewild. 

Jo runs Women’s Circle’s on the theme of Rewilding from her hometown Cabrils, Maresme, Barcelona. If you are interested in learning more, feel free to get in touch.