Joanna OMeally; Yoga Teacher specialising in supporting women throughout Motherhood

Joanna OMeally; Yoga Teacher specialising in supporting women throughout Motherhood


Hello and welcome,

It’s lovely having you here.

My name is Jo and I am an Embodied Feminine Movement Teacher and Women’s Circle Host. I am also a Space Holder/ Facilitator for Rites of Passage Ceremonies and Soulful Events.

My teaching intentions

I teach a style of yoga or embodied movement that is fluid, grounded, feminine, and intuitive. I believe in the wisdom of the body. It gives us so much vital information, and yet too often we aren’t able to listen.

My intention in my teaching is always to bring us back to that place of deep awareness and give us access to ‘feeling’ within our body and ourselves. It’s my joy and my pleasure to slow us down and to truly tune in. To release somatically, to dance a merry dance with the nervous system through breath and movement, and to have some fun along the way.

I am incredibly passionate about supporting women throughout all cyclical life stages. Including motherhood, pregnancy, birth, postnatally (during the huge transition of matrescence) and beyond. I support women in reigniting connection to ourselves and our feminine fire and our partners.

Inspired by

I have been inspired by my teacher, the wonderful Uma Dinsmore Tuli. Uma is the author of Yoni Shakti, a yoga therapist, and founder of the Yoga Nidra Network. Much of my teaching for women reflects her ‘Womb Yoga’ method, which places women’s individual experience at the heart of the sessions. I offer empowering, revitalizing, and nourishing practices for all life stages in a therapeutic manner.

The energy of the womb is the source of feminine creativity and power. It contains the ability to create life, and so stirring the cauldron of the sacral chakra (womb and pelvic region) can give us a huge amount of vitality. To contrast this, I also adore sharing the practices of restorative yoga. I lead nature-related, cyclical meditation, visualization, and Yoga Nidra, the yoga of sleep, as an essential element of my classes.

My offerings

I offer Pregnancy, Post-Natal Yoga and Mama and Baby Yoga classes and circles and trained with the Yoga Alliance UK accredited organization Birthlight. I currently teach Pregnancy and Mum and Baby Classes at Shanti Vida in Barcelona.

I am also privileged to host and hold space for Women’s Circles, Rites of Passage Ceremonies, and Soulful Events. I believe in the importance of finding meaning, depth, and celebration in moments, big and small, throughout life. I also value honouring transitions consciously rather than letting them happen to us. The events I offer include:

  • Mother Blessings to honour the transition into becoming a Mother

  • Closing of the Bones Postnatal Cermeonies

  • Bloom Menarche Ceremonies (for Mother and Daughters at the time of the daughters first bleed)

  • Conscious Date NIght’s for couples

  • Ceremonies that bring meaning to events such as hen parties/ birthdays

  • Creative Women's Circles and workshops on a wide range of themes

Practical details

All sessions are in English and I currently offer circles and classes at Shanti Vida in the Gotico in Barcelona and Es Calma in Cabrils on the Maresme.

I am available for workshops, retreats, and private events, and one-and-one classes in and around Barcelona.

I am a Mother too

I'm also Mum to three children, Ruby, Jake, and Alfie. I'm originally from London but now live close to nature in a beautiful small town on the Maresme Coast just outside Barcelona. Being their Mum is the thing that brings me the greatest joy. I’m delighted that now I get to share my passion with my kids in the Seasonal Circles that I offer to celebrate the Cyclical Nature of Mother Earth.

Why Grace and Blaze Yoga?

I chose the name Grace and Blaze Yoga for my business because these are the middle names of my two eldest children. Also because these words represent how I want to show up in life, in balance.

Grace signifies to me fluidity, calm, peace, and empathy; water qualities of Ying. Blaze represents the vitality of the aliveness and yang that we all have within us. The get-up and go and fire to enjoy and experience life in its fullest dimension.

My intention is always there to honor and embody these qualities in my teaching and also in how I live my life.

Get in touch! I’d love to hear from you

Please feel free to sign up for my newsletter or get in touch to ask questions, book a private session, or just say hi in the form below.

Much love, until next time in Circle,

Jo x

Qualifications and Experiences

2024: Reiki Level 1 and Level 2 Attunement and knowledge of the Usui method of natural healing with Reiki Master Alice Jackson.

2022: Essence, a group journey that reconnects you back to your authentic, sexual essence. Temple of the Feminine.

2021: YONI SHAKTI WELL WOMAN YOGA THERAPY TEACHER TRAINING 9-month training with writer, visionary, radical yogini, Total Yoga Nidra advocate and eco-feminist activist Uma Dinsmore Tulli from Yoga Nidra Network and author of Yoni Shakti.

2022: Ignite Couples Course with Kat and Tully O’Connor, a grounded, practical approach to Conscious Relationship.

2022: Sensual Yoga for Women with writer, psychotherapist and women’s initiatory guide Carly Mountain.

2021: Initiation, Self Cervix, a guided individual journey into the path of the awakened cervix by Olivia Bryant.

2020: Living Lotus, a 7-month Sadhana Group Container delving deep into the way of the Feminine with Beth Win.

2019: Became a Mother for the third time to my son Alfie Edward in an exquisite HomeBirth.

2017: Birthlight Motherhood Yoga Training Qualification; Pregnancy, Birth, Postnatal and Baby Yoga. 30 hrs: Yoga Alliance UK Accredited. Course Tutor: Birthlight Director of Training Sally Lomas.  At Omshanti Studio

2014: Became a Mother for the second time to my incredible son Jake Blaze, a birth that taught me so much.

2012 - 2014: Yoga Sadhana Course: Over 1000 hours yoga self-practice and 80 hours course contact time spread over 10 weekends a year.

2010: Teaching Vinyasa 2-day CPD Certificate Course - 6 REPs

2011: Became a Mother for the first time to my beautiful Ruby Grace.

2011: Hypnobirthing Parents Course with Katherine Graves. KG Hypnobirthing at TriYoga London.

2010: 200hr Level 3 Diploma in Teaching Yoga from YogaProfessionals. Awarded by YMCA Awards and the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs)