Grace and Blaze Yoga

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1 Min Mindful: Making a Cup of Tea

I love the simple act of making a cuppa

I'm English so a cup of tea wins every time over coffee. Doesn't go down well in Spain! For me a brew solves everything. Serious life problem? Stick the kettle on and it'll be sorted in a matter of minutes!

There is such pleasure to be taken in the process of making tea. So here's an idea, the next time you make one, do it mindfully. That just means giving it your full attention rather than thinking of a million other things.

  • When you boil the kettle, think about how the water has managed to arrive in your home and appreciate how lucky we are to have it on tap, be amazed at the engineering that allows it to be heated so quickly.
  • When you place the tea bag or leaves into the cup or teapot feel the texture, savour the smell and again allow yourself to imagine where it was grown, harvested packaged then delivered to wherever you bought it.
  • When you pour the water, delight in this action and really watch the infusion of the tea and water.
  • Pay attention to the steam coming off it. Feel the warmth of the cup in your hands. Enjoy the aroma.
  • Finally, when it's cool enough, take a small sip, notice the flavour swirling in your mouth

Then put your feet up and enjoy! You deserve it. Small pleasures eh? Hmmm❤️