5 Minutes Peace: Easy Yoga Lockdown Sequence for Busy Parents

Download the Easy Yoga Lockdown Sequence for Busy Parents pdf here

My friend Lucie from Oh Mother BCN asked me for to come up with a short and simple yoga sequence for any parents (or anyone really) who is craving time for themselves during this confinement period. If you are at home with kids and perhaps also juggling work and other demands and stresses, it can be difficult to find the space to practice yoga or do something for yourself. However, now it is more than important than ever to take care of yourself; to ground and nourish and to get back in your body (rather than your head). Lucie created this sequence as a really nice pdf to download and print off in case you are 'screened out', save it and print it off. Enjoy!

Easy Lockdown Yoga Sequence for Busy Parents
Easy Yoga Sequence for busy parents page 2