Grace and Blaze Yoga

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Daily Yoga Practice: How do you find time with kids?

Sometimes my students, many of whom are Mums, ask me how they can maintain their own regular yoga practice. With busy lifestyles, work, kids and family and home commitments, there's just not enough hours in the day!  Well It's not easy. I'm testament to that but without meaning to blow my own trumpet, I do always manage to fit in my daily practice. Without it, I notice I behave differently and physically my body needs to keep practicing or it quickly becomes tight and uncomfortable.  My secret is to trick myself in doing it. I tell myself 'Just do it for 5 mins". Or, if I'm exhausted, 'Just try doing some deep breathing on your mat". Now more often than not, those 5 minutes turn into 10 or 15 and when I'm on my mat I usually soon feel the need to start moving, however gently. And if you only do 15minutes each day that's totally fine, a little, focussed, regular practice is far more effective than a once a week burn out. Of course there are days when I'm on fire and I practice for an hour without even noticing. But we can't always have days like that can we? And on those difficult days, be kind to yourself, that's my mantra.